Fractions are made up of only three parts, yet it is easy to confuse them. Now we'll explain what the numerator, denominator and fraction line are, and why we call them that.
Parts of a fraction: the numerator, the fraction line and the denominator
As the picture below shows, fractions have 3 parts:
- located in the middle of the trunk line,
- above the fractional line you see the counter,
- and below the fractional line Nominator van.

The fractional line
The fraction line is the straight line that separates the numerator and denominator of the fraction.
This is not worth explaining further, because it is something that is easy to remember.
The denominator
If you know the the concept of fraction, you know exactly that the fraction is part of the whole.
The denominator is the number below the fraction line that shows (names) how many equal parts the whole has been divided into.
The counter
The counter shows (counts) how many parts of the whole divided into equal parts we are dealing with.
Let's make the concepts of numerator and denominator clear.
Cut a cake into 24 slices. In this case, the denominator will be 24, since that's how we divided the whole thing. If you want to set aside 6 of these 24 slices, the numerator will be 6:
Then it will look like this:

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